On Tuesday 8 November evening, after the conference day, at 18.30 a diner will be held at the location Vakwerkhuis.
The address is Professor Snijdersstraat 2, 2628 RA Delft.
The fee for this dinner is €50,00.
Face2Phase3: Holography, Tomography, 3D imaging, Phase Retrieval
Registration website for Face2Phase3: Holography, Tomography, 3D imaging, Phase RetrievalLidija Nikolicface2phase-tnw@tudelft.nl
Lidija Nikolicface2phase-tnw@tudelft.nlhttps://www.face2phase.nl
Face2Phase3: Holography, Tomography, 3D imaging, Phase RetrievalFace2Phase3: Holography, Tomography, 3D imaging, Phase Retrieval0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Science Center DelftScience Center DelftMijnbouwstraat 120 2628RX Delft Netherlands